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Tech Pattern 3D Lined Shape

Explorer R Backpack Manual.

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Step 1: Mounting to the Backpack.

Quick-release plate.

Use the quick coupling plate to install the system on the backpack. Keep in mind that the procedure is the same as for the car kit, and always ensure that Antenna 1 is on the left side in the direction of forward movement.

Step 2: Alignment.

Start moving forward in a straight line, with the LiDAR equipment operating at a speed ranging from 15 to 24 feet per second for a distance of 300 feet. We recommend using a scooter, as it can significantly enhance stability during this process, thereby improving the quality of the collected scanning data.

While you're in motion on the scooter, you may notice a change in the message displayed on the equipment to "MOTION DETECT." It's important to understand that this message is a result of the equipment's motion detection capabilities and should not prompt you to stop or disrupt your movement. Maintain a consistent speed throughout the entire 300-foot distance, ensuring safety and avoiding obstacles.


Step 2: Alignment.

While the equipment is in operation, perform a zig-zag pattern by moving left and right. Verify that the status changes to "SOLUTION GOOD." If it hasn't changed, briefly stop the equipment for 5 seconds and repeat the zig-zag pattern until you achieve the "SOLUTION GOOD" status.

Zig Zag Line Illustration



Step 3: Maintaining Signal

1. Ideally stay in open areas: To ensure a consistent signal, operate the LiDAR backpack in open, unobstructed outdoor environments. Avoid locations with tall buildings that can disrupt the signal.

2. Signal loss recovery: fallback to an open area where you can recover the signal and resume scanning.

Note: This LiDAR backpack mount is designed for outdoor use and is not designed for indoor environments.

Open area
Shadow effect

This image represents the product's essence and features. Specific models may vary. It showcases the general style and features of the product.


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This user manual is intended to provide general information about the product and its operation. It is not a substitute for professional advice or training. The manufacturer and/or the publisher assume no responsibility for any damages or injuries resulting from the use of this product.

The information contained in this user manual is subject to change without notice. The manufacturer and/or the publisher reserve the right to make changes to the product or its specifications at any time.


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Contact Information

For more information about this product, please contact the manufacturer or the publisher.



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LiDARit INC. 2022 All rights reserved.
